Mom, there are so many things that I want to say, things I hope you that you already know. Did you know that you were not only my mother, but my best friend. Did you know that you are the one who taught me to love with all my heart, and that love has no end? Did you know that without you in my life I often wonder where I would have been?. Would I be the woman I am today if God had not sent you to care for me through all that my life has been? See I know that it was your love for God and your constant prayer that helped me survive. With that said, did you know I knew it just wasn’t medical doctors keeping me alive? You were a wonderful mom and grandmother, and you loved us all in such an unconditional way. You went out of your way to show us all each and every day.

I will miss our talks, hugging you, calling you and all of your wise advice and I will dread the fact that you will not be here physically, to see Symphony throughout her life. But I will stay strong and do all that I believe you would have me to do. You have raised me well and I hope I am half as strong and half as great as you. We will cherish you mom, we were blessed to have you, you are our mom, a grandma, a wife, an aunt, a sister, and a true friend. Today this celebration of your life only says that you will suffer no more, not that your life has come to an end. So what I am saying mom is, we will be looking for you to pass by and check in on us every now and then.
I love you Mom
Written by myself DeAngela "Poetry" Taylor
for Anncele Davis in honor of her grandmother (mom) Mrs Betty J Davis home going written Feb 17, 2011