Saturday, November 22, 2014

The power of 3...

The power of 3...
I love you
I miss you
Please forgive me
I'm so sorry
I messed up
God bless me
God forgive me
Give me strength
Bless me lord
Bless them lord
I need you
Please help me
I forgive you
I am here
Lean on me
I got you
Proud of you
I'm not perfect
We got this
We'll make it
Your my world
yes I can
God Is Good
Order my steps
It is ok
You got this
Your not alone
Your worth it
You are great
You are strong
You are blessed
..... 3 little words.. such power!
The power to build and the power to save..
the of 3.. use them... be powerful.  Build you family and rebuild your village. 
Words are simply powerful...
Random but true.. by DeAngela aka Poetry!