Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I see clearly

People will look in your face and lie all while you just look back and wonder why. Why must you be this way... will you ever just up and tell the truth one day.  Will you ever care about what you doing to me or do you think that I'm so blind that i can not see. So blind that i dont know your ways so blind that i dont see how you change during the minutes of the day. You think i dont know but that's ok i know why you do it i just really don't have the energy to say.  Say what it is that i already know see I'm just waiting for the day when you decide to go.  See i feel it's enviable it's gonna happen one day and I'll be prepared i won't make you stay.  See this picture is what it is... i dought it will change I can only be me and I like it that way..  I love me more than anyone knows I won't try to be like others or imitate hoes.  I've always been loved for simply being me never jumped up and down to get someone to see... see the beautiful spirt inside or outside of me. Frankly said... I don't complete with others that's not what i do. So if you want someone else that's ok to.  I have no more strength to try to hold on... beside keeping us from the truth is something that's wrong.  So i say this to say it's all up to you just be brave enough to say what you really want to do... hell i ain't no hater I'll even still be friends with you. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015


Society has programmed us to expect so little.. a big house, a nice car, name brand shows, designer clothes,  and the latest this and that... what happened to love, happiness,  and repeat. What happened to building a foundation and creating a legacy for your family. What happened to caring for those you love,  respecting your elders and teaching loving and nurturing your children.. what happened to us... what happened to us that we would stop loving ourselves and each other based on the size of our hips or the offset Character of our eyes or the shape of that part that we use only to dirty up whip off and sit on each day... what happened to us that we would love and admire someone we never met or spent a second of time with more than ourselves because society said she was something... when if she/he 2 as from our own hood we'd consider them a tramp or a low life.... what happened to us  that we would let material things disrespect and ruin our since of family and degrade our characters. .. what happened to us that we would only judge our worth by the very things we swap in and out on a daily basis and toss away regularly only to replace with the latest new thing... when the only things that matter are the things that can't be replaced... each other!  What happened to us!  Oh yeah that's right. .. WE BEEN PROGRAMMED. CHANGE THE PROGRAM!  Love yourself and each other... I love you!  God Bless!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

We forgot to be family in my hood...

We forgot to be family in my hood...
there was a code unspoken, a certain way we used to act.
Or maybe it wasn't an act at all, maybe it was just an understood fact.
The fact that we were all put here together to take care of each other.
Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Aunt, Uncle, Cousin... all loving each other as one.
Not just because you were a blood relatives but because we all lived under the same sun.
Sometimes we shared the same DNA but sometimes that wasn't always the case.
See we simply loved and respected each other, our elders taught us that before they left this place.
We didn't care who had the latest kicks or look what our neighbors had to determine what we'd choose.
We may trade pants and shirts,  sometimes we may even swap shoes...
And not one of us felt like we were playing whose better game that someone had to lose.
See people were to be loved and material things were there to be used.
And when a neighbor needed a helping hand we'd all pitch in and do whatever we had to do.
Mothers took care of kids, Dads provided stability, love and money for bills and food...
And the family was there to help them see things through.
Aunts were like big sisters and moms, uncles were like big brothers and 2nd dads that protected you.
Then there were the friends and other elders that lived in the hood, they scolded us and told us things that would help you be good. 
Now I see them pray on their friends children,  manipulatively trading little girls around and encouraging the little boys to tote guns and sell illegal goods.  
I often wonder how they can feel so good about themselves as their grandparents turn over in graves and boxes made of wood. 
We were taught right from wrong by them, and they had high hopes of what we'd come to be. 
They marched, fought, and got beat with sticks for this freedom that we lived to see. 
They went through hell and back all for us and the future of their family. 
Now we sit with closed mouths as we watch each other destroy the essence of the black family. 
We take from, steal from, drug, manipulate, kill and rape our own.
we pay no attention to the fact that the family we are destroying is our own.
 And what will all of this behavior earn us in return... a little hood star status,  a nice new pair of  
sneakers, a diamond ring, or maybe a new whip.
But what do think that will get you when our father calls our souls to return? And when you meet back up with the ancestors, what will you tell them that you learned. 
What will you tell them became of all that they struggled to earn. 
Will you even get the chance to explain or will your soul just be sent to burn. 
I'm not trying to dog you or tell you what to do, I am saying this because I love you all enough to tell you that the fake people won't, that this mess isn't cool.   
See I remember growing up and I remember all the silly stuff we used to do and I remember family wasn't always who you were related to . 
There was a code of respect that wasn't said, it was just simply understood.  
Family took care of family and your family was also your hood. 

My Poetry, My Heart, My Soul.... {somebody needs to here this}: I just told my husband i just feel in love again.....

My Poetry, My Heart, My Soul.... {somebody needs to here this}: I just told my husband i just feel in love again.....: I just told my husband i just feel in love again.... not with him, but with Harlem! I was researching pictures for the poem that i am ab...

I just feel in love with Harlem

I just told my husband i just feel in love again.... not with him, but with Harlem! I was researching pictures for the poem that i am about to post. But here is the thing... People, there are no positive pics of us that i could use in this internet media we find so important to us in society today sad but true. But I was able to find an abundance of positivity in images and Renaissance art from Harlem. The positivity that our people had, the love for each other, the class that they had, the appreciation for art and respect for each other... it is up lifting, heart touching, inspiring and refreshing to say the least. So i feel that need to write this month, our month about us not the us that we are being today, but the us we are supposed to be. The us that our grandparents fought for us to be able to be... my February poetry focus will be inspired by the heart and soul and art of Harlem. Our generations are lost but were not gone to waist... we can change the game and we can reclaim our souls and the love of Harlem in us today... hope you enjoy my words, my truth and my poetry... Happy February (Black History we can make our own today).