I'm sitting here watching the Kennedy Honors for what I believe to be the first time... but i can't seem to stop watching I am in total awww and glued to the tv. I am sitting watching them pay tribute to these awesome artists... singers/song writers, actors, dancers... and I am so delighted and I am lookin at the artists and they are beaming with complete enjoyment while the watch other artists proform for in there honor and it hits me... they simply love their craft.. it is them.. they are it... it is purely enjoyable for them and it reflects in there own work... they are financial iconic powerhouses not because they set out to be that but because they followed a dream to do what they loved and in all the momentum they have became examples of greatness simply because they did something they loved... This tells me like is soo not complicated. .. we make it that way.. we go get jobs we don't like to make money to create these perfect lives and we never have enough money or enough happiness and we are never satisfied.. but maybe if we turned things around and looked at things from another prospective one that put our dream of becoming who we want to be and not focal in on the things we want to have... maybe perhaps we could beam with happiness and delight in our own lives and not only can others see our greatness but perhaps we ouselves could see it too... just a thought.. random but true... love you all..(written by DeAngela Taylor DeAngela "Poetry"Taylor)....
POETIC AND SIMPLY SPOKEN RANDOM THOUGHTS.. Primarily it is my diary of everyday thoughts that pop into my head through life's little moments which never cease to amaze me with a poem sprinkled here and there.. I will apologize in advance for anything you may not agree with but remember, not everyone thinks alike, we that's what makes us us... so hope you enjoy my thoughts even if they are not directly accepted by you personally, remember good or bad... SOMEBODY NEEDED TO HEAR THIS!
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Silent tears...
Silent tears of sorrow from not knowing what to do.... silent tears of sorrow because i love you more than you.
Silently i listen to all the chatter around, the good the bad the ugly and everything in between I've found.
I never wanted to hear these things not pertaining to you.
But i have faith that God will see you through. But as we make it through these trying times I need you to remember this to be truth... there is nothing on this earth or beyond that could ever stop me from loving you!
I have Silent tears of sorry yet I know God has his hands on you.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
The power of 3...
The power of 3...
I love you
I miss you
Please forgive me
I'm so sorry
I messed up
God bless me
God forgive me
Give me strength
Bless me lord
Bless them lord
I need you
Please help me
I forgive you
I am here
Lean on me
I got you
Proud of you
I'm not perfect
We got this
We'll make it
Your my world
yes I can
God Is Good
Order my steps
It is ok
You got this
Your not alone
Your worth it
You are great
You are strong
You are blessed
..... 3 little words.. such power!
The power to build and the power to save..
the of 3.. use them... be powerful. Build you family and rebuild your village.
Words are simply powerful...
Random but true.. by DeAngela aka Poetry!
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Don't go through life photo shopping everything... trying to recreate yourself, your friends, your family, your life... If we spend all of our time trying to change or touch up everything in the world around us we will never get chance to see the true beauty of life and the perfect imperfections that make us us and make life just perfect...
Friday, June 27, 2014
Sometimes life is gray!
Sometimes it snows in April Sometimes it Rains in May... Sometimes i wonder why life is so damm gray.
Sometimes I feel like crying... Sometimes i want to play... Sometimes I wish that life was much more Simple and that the tears would just go away.
Maybe if I could just forget things wouldn't be this way... or maybe if I just give in and stop pretending then maybe... things would go my way.
It all just seems so complicated Im so confussed from day to day. The only thing i'm sure of is that you have my heart... and that is Why I stay.
*Time only dates old wounds... love heals and kindness rubs it away... ♡x♡
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Note... smile I practiced it, lifes picture u see I painted it. Broken heart, i hide it.. years of abuse i over looked it... Anger inside i chanel it... How i get through it all by the grace of God... how i live my life by his commandments... the things i cant fix I pray about it... why i stay to myself because i must... the things i know life tought me... some of the ones i love the most like me the least... the reason i lived through it all my kids... the reason i could make it Jesus... the reason i dont have to do it alone my husband... the reason i have him cause God knew i was ready... see life full of things we go through... trials and tribulations.. they all should bring us closer to God and once we see his love and follow his commandments the blessings are sure to follow... no one sees your journey but you and God... prays him and be blessed for many days to come. I love you and i am here to share with you what i have learned... have a great day... much love... (another Random thought by DeAngela POETRY Taylor )
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Random thought.... FIX THE INSIDE FIRST
This is real random but.... i see so many people working on there outside look at the gym, label hoeing, getting surgery on this n that, buyin new cars, big houses this that n the other to gain attention and feel superior... but heres the thing... id much rather see people work on the the inside and how they value those that love them most, and the example set for the generations below us and the respect that we show those ahead of us... that is what excites me about people... no matter how you dress something or someone up if your still a jackass and dont fix that... your just gonna be a better lookin jackass... fix the inside... just a thought!
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Mom, there are so many things that I want to say, things I hope you that you already know. Did you know that you were not only my mother, but my best friend. Did you know that you are the one who taught me to love with all my heart, and that love has no end? Did you know that without you in my life I often wonder where I would have been?. Would I be the woman I am today if God had not sent you to care for me through all that my life has been? See I know that it was your love for God and your constant prayer that helped me survive. With that said, did you know I knew it just wasn’t medical doctors keeping me alive? You were a wonderful mom and grandmother, and you loved us all in such an unconditional way. You went out of your way to show us all each and every day.

I will miss our talks, hugging you, calling you and all of your wise advice and I will dread the fact that you will not be here physically, to see Symphony throughout her life. But I will stay strong and do all that I believe you would have me to do. You have raised me well and I hope I am half as strong and half as great as you. We will cherish you mom, we were blessed to have you, you are our mom, a grandma, a wife, an aunt, a sister, and a true friend. Today this celebration of your life only says that you will suffer no more, not that your life has come to an end. So what I am saying mom is, we will be looking for you to pass by and check in on us every now and then.
I love you Mom
Written by myself DeAngela "Poetry" Taylor
for Anncele Davis in honor of her grandmother (mom) Mrs Betty J Davis home going written Feb 17, 2011
till we meet again
till we meet again..

Wondering what you are doing,
Wondering what you would say.
Wishing I could hold your hand,
Wishing I could touch your face.
I never thought you'd be off limits to me,
Never thought I wouldn't be able to share you space.
I think of the great times we shared,
I think about our special place.
I wonder if things had been done differently
If we our lives have took on a different fate.
Would the love we shared seem like such a waste?
Would we be together today or were we just
Supposed to teach other how to love.
Still it’s hard to tell whether your we’re supposed
To be my mitten or my glove.
Even though we're not together,
even though I can't reach you,
or tell you how i feel, If you never know anything else,
know that I will always love you and that our love was real.
Till we meet again...
written by DeAngela "Poetry" Taylor Oct 16, 2011
copyright © 2011 DeAngela "Poetry" Taylor
i wish i would have
i wish i would have (an original poem by DeAngela "Poetry" Taylor 5/6/11)
i wish i would have told you years ago that i loved you, i wish i would have told you years ago how much i cared.
instead i sat back and watched you with all the others, pretending that my love for you wasn't there.
i wish i could go back to the last time i saw you, i would have told you to hold me and never let me go.
i wish i could have shared with you my feelings but i have always been to scared to let them show.
i have always been so scared that i could lose you ,that our friendship would not be strong enough to survive.
Now that i have had the nerve to finally tell you, now that you finally told me that you have loved me too.
I wish that I'd have told you when we were younger, cause then i could have spent my whole life loving you.(a original poem by DeAngela "Poetry" Taylor 5/6/11)
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
i sit and i (by DeAngela "Poetry" Taylor)
I sit and i cry and never leave a trace.
I sit and i cry, but there is a smile upon my face.
I sit and i cry when everyone around me is happy.
i sit and i cry but no one can see.
i sit and i cry cause no one can take your place.
(a original poem by DeAngela "Poetry" Taylor 5/6/11)
June 6, 2011 at 6:01pm FaceBook
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
I promise me i will be ok
Emotionally dead, too tired to fight...no longer caring about what you did yesterday, or what you didn't do last night. Riddled with emotions, that remain unimportant and go unheard. Trying to tell you all the things you don't want to hear. Determined to show you the things about us you don't want to see. Only one conclusion left... you feel out of love with me..
No longer in love with my smile or the things that make me me. When you look at me now, there is someone else you want to see. Someone much different nothing at all like me. Someone much smaller, much younger than me. with skin lighter than mine could ever be. Completely my opposite with more dependent thoughts and ways, but that is the one with which you want to spend your days.
I want to be mad as hell, I even want to cry, I want to kick and scream and ask myself why. But the more I think about it the more I see, its plain and simple, your feelings changed for me. It happens I guess from time to time peoples are entitled to change there mind. The only problem there is what do you do? It seems so unfair but I don't want to loose, don't want to loose our family that we've worked so hard to make or break our future plans cause there is so much at stake. So I sit day to day and watch time go by, I no longer speak of the thoughts that are in my mind. I don't ask to be held or to hold your hand, see I don't think I should have to do that with any man.
Never thought that would happen not to me and you. The thought of it all leaves me feeling sad and blue. So I sit with myself and keep these thoughts within my mind and pray to God that things work themselves out with time. I figure I will accept the out come either way... will you fall back in love with me or will you go away. I guess we will figure things out either way, but till then and after I promise me I will be ok.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
You Never Know....
Will the person you love be here hours to come or if you will have to go away.
You don't know if you will move and never to lay eyes on them again, or never to see them smile or talk or grin. Will you be there to hold their hand or let them lean on you when they can not stand. Will the storms come in the night to destroy a life so close in sight. Will the angels come and take them away or will you go while they get to stay.
All these are things we don't like to think about, its not the sort of thing we even like to talk about. But I know all to well that there sometimes comes a day, when those you love are called away. And when they are there is no time to prepare, not enough words to say how much you care. There are not enough minutes in the day, to dance with them again or find time to play. I guess to you all what I am trying to say is, please don't take time for granted today or any day. Tell people how you really feel while you have time. Don't let the opportunity pass away or slip your mind.
Always agree to disagree but always let love be the last thing they hear and last thing they see. Let them know no matter what you do or what they say, nothing could take your love for each other away. See when they have gone there is nothing you can do, to satisfy that need in you. The need you have to let them know, that you love them beyond words and you didn't want them to go. That you needed them and that they meant so much to your life, it doesn't matter if it is just a friend, a sister, a brother, a mother, a father, a husband, a child or a wife. Tell them you love them while you have the chance.
Turn on a little music and take a minute to dance, give them a hug and tell them you love them in what ever way. There is no shame in love, we need more these days. Bring joy to their lives while they are alive, so there are no regrets or questions or whys. Open your heart and remember to say, I am blessed to have you and I love you a little bit more and more with the beginning of every new day.
Remember Love although four little letters long, lasts a lifetime. Love openly and Love hard because... You Never know...
*note from the author... to all my family and friends... no matter what... I love you! just so you all know! God Bless You All good nite...
Sincerely, "Poetry"
Saturday, March 1, 2014
WHATS YOUR PURPOSE ... (This Season) ..
Ever sit up and wonder, not just think i mean give deep thought as to what you are really doing here. You sit and you look at the family and friends around you day to day and wonder, why your here. Clearly life could go on with out you around, they could make it, they could survive if you weren't in there immediate presence. Not that you want to leave this earth or anything, don't get it twisted. Just that you don't feel like you are any longer a unique piece to their particular puzzles. They could find a similar piece at anytime to feel the void and then what does that make you... an extra in there action movie... no body ever sees the extra.
And then you go on to think a little deeper, how do you feel about that? The thought of being invisible to the ones you love the most, the ones who you spend your day trying to make happy, keep save, nourish or just exist for. You wake up and you realize, you no longer exist to them... you are an extra. You have spent all of you life on them, you have totally put your self, your needs, your wants, your dreams and your very individual existence on hold for everyone else.
It was never your dream to change diapers, wipe noses, make appointments, play taxi cab driver, be a counselor, a nurse practitioner, a secretary , a short order cook, a pharmacy tech, a maid, where mom jeans, be clueless to the latest styles or hair dos, not be pampered, complemented, or appreciated simply because your a woman. That was never you dream. You were gonna be someone... someone important that people cared for unconditionally and could not live without, not the person that felt undesirable to live with. Your had enough pain growing up... you didn't need anymore in your grown adult life, your were gonna make your adult life be soo much more... people were just gonna love you for a change.
Then you wake up one day, not from a dream but from life it's self and you realize, your life has become all of what you didn't set out to have it be.. But the most important thing that you realize is that although tomorrow is not promised to you.... It is a new day, you can do new things, you can have a new mindset and you can make new possibilities... Make something new happen... Remember, everything has a season, and although life wasn't glamorous a lot of times along the way, you made the most of your season. It was you purpose at the time to be everything you were. But maybe just maybe, that is not the same purpose you have now... maybe that is why you are so restless, so unfulfilled. you haven't evolved in your new purpose.
So let me explain in depth that this doesn't mean abandon your family and everyone you love. No quite the contrary, this means that you un abandon yourself and incorporate yourself back into the equations. Listen to your favorite music on your head phones, you know the kind no one else around you gets but takes you to new levels (old school prince and old school rap for me). Dance around the house with the kids like your 20 again, find a new hair do, paint your nails, write, draw, go for a walk, watch a sad flick and grab a tissue or two (cry we wont tell), watch a comedy and laugh until you cry... Call someone and just say hello or I'm sorry that ruined our friendship (finally let it go, don't sweat the small stuff-closure is awesome). Hold your other half's hand, write them i i love you note or to, tell them how you still love them, and you appreciate what the two of you have together. Tell them, you appreciate them spending there years with you (we all need to feel appreciated). Kiss your kids and your partner (you never know which kiss is your last), complement the people you go to sleep and wake up with, everyone in the streets compliment them why don't you (remember, you don't miss what you have until its gone and you wanted enough to go after it a one time.. appreciate it and you'll keep it forever.).
Look at your self, remember your own beauty, your own likes and dislikes and everything that makes you you. Remember who you were and analyze who you are today, then tell God to guild you and use you, show you your new purpose, to take your gifts and amplify them to the world and use them for his good! Be open be honest be you ... find your self... find YOUR PURPOSE!
I've never had alot to give except my heart/love... thats all ive ever wanted in return... besides isnt that better than rocks and dead animal skin? To me its The realeat thing you can give or get... its priceless! So if i say i love you, you should cherish that more than medal, more than motors, more than any fabic or wood... remember.. love/heart can not be insured or replaced... (value the people u love and love you tomorrow is not promissed its God gift treat those u love as such)... love you
SHE SMILES... Although
She smiles...
She smiles although her heart is full of sorrow, laughs even when all she wants to do is cry. She looks everyone else and wonders why did happiness pass her by.. why dis she have to suffer, why does she have to feel such pain... why cant she feel good about herself, its hard to go through life faking it it really just isnt the same. Why must she feel empy and numb on the inside... smiling joking and laughing when all she wants to do is hide... you would never know to look at her how broken she is insides they years abuse and un-appreciative words still dancing in her mind. She could win an Oscar but the critics dont know her name, but if they did she would still the show with that big ole smile thats hiding years of pain. So the next time you see her dont envy her life or thank of her as if she has no worries and everything to gain... remember that a smile doesnt always mean someone is happy, sometimes its there to stop the rain.. and shelter the heart from over a load of pain.
*dont envy anyone cause you dont truly know their story.l
Friday, February 28, 2014
And then you go on to think a little deeper, how do you feel about that? The thought of being invisible to the ones you love the most, the ones who you spend your day trying to make happy, keep save, nourish or just exist for. You wake up and you realize, you no longer exist to them... you are an extra. You have spent all of you life on them, you have totally put your self, your needs, your wants, your dreams and your very individual existence on hold for everyone else.
It was never your dream to change diapers, wipe noses, make appointments, play taxi cab driver, be a counselor, a nurse practitioner, a secretary , a short order cook, a pharmacy tech, a maid, where mom jeans, be clueless to the latest styles or hair dos, not be pampered, complemented, or appreciated simply because your a woman. That was never you dream. You were gonna be someone... someone important that people cared for unconditionally and could not live without, not the person that felt undesirable to live with. Your had enough pain growing up... you didn't need anymore in your grown adult life, your were gonna make your adult life be soo much more... people were just gonna love you for a change.
Then you wake up one day, not from a dream but from life it's self and you realize, your life has become all of what you didn't set out to have it be.. But the most important thing that you realize is that although tomorrow is not promised to you.... It is a new day, you can do new things, you can have a new mindset and you can make new possibilities... Make something new happen... Remember, everything has a season, and although life wasn't glamorous a lot of times along the way, you made the most of your season. It was you purpose at the time to be everything you were. But maybe just maybe, that is not the same purpose you have now... maybe that is why you are so restless, so unfulfilled. you haven't evolved in your new purpose.
So let me explain in depth that this doesn't mean abandon your family and everyone you love. No quite the contrary, this means that you un abandon yourself and incorporate yourself back into the equations. Listen to your favorite music on your head phones, you know the kind no one else around you gets but takes you to new levels (old school prince and old school rap for me). Dance around the house with the kids like your 20 again, find a new hair do, paint your nails, write, draw, go for a walk, watch a sad flick and grab a tissue or two (cry we wont tell), watch a comedy and laugh until you cry... Call someone and just say hello or I'm sorry that ruined our friendship (finally let it go, don't sweat the small stuff-closure is awesome). Hold your other half's hand, write them i i love you note or to, tell them how you still love them, and you appreciate what the two of you have together. Tell them, you appreciate them spending there years with you (we all need to feel appreciated). Kiss your kids and your partner (you never know which kiss is your last), complement the people you go to sleep and wake up with, everyone in the streets compliment them why don't you (remember, you don't miss what you have until its gone and you wanted enough to go after it a one time.. appreciate it and you'll keep it forever.).
Look at your self, remember your own beauty, your own likes and dislikes and everything that makes you you. Remember who you were and analyze who you are today, then tell God to guild you and use you, show you your new purpose, to take your gifts and amplify them to the world and use them for his good! Be open be honest be you ... find your self... find YOUR PURPOSE!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Loosing you... Inspired by but not affiliated with it Being Mary Jane
I never really took this seriously... breakin up with you that is... i always thought we'd get back together it's what we always do... See as long as i can remember you've had my heart and i've always had yours too... no one has ever come between us at the end of the day its always me and you... see we grew up lovin each other sometimes we might fight and we would argue too... but i guess what i never thought about was someone else having you.
But now your standing here telling me that another girl was stilling yout heart... i guess i took for granted the time we've spent apart... See i started seeing someone but i havent given him my heart and i dont trust him nearly as much as i do you.... i just had had to occupie my mind so i wouldnt feel so blue... but i am starting realize he is nothing quite like you... Now as i sit beside this man that i know is not true ... it finally hits me clearly i am on the verge of loosing you. So as i sit here crying thinking "what am i gonna do?... i can honestly say i realize ... the only love i ever needed was the one i have in you.
(Inspired by this nights episode of "Being Mary Jane'
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Someone that can make it with me through my craziest days, someone who will love me in many good ways.... you sent him to me and after 12 years of days, i still look at his love, (your love) and i am truly amazed!
Thank you Lord
Thursday, February 6, 2014
My disclaimer: I own my poetry/writings
All poetry and random thoughts are original works of Deangela Taylor aka Poetry and it should be understood to be copyrighted and owned by myself not to be reproduced...
*The pictures however that you see with the poems/writings are not affiliated or owned by myself the writer / poet but are simply borrowed from the Internet to add to the expression and feeling of my work. They are the property of the original artist / model not that of this site.
Sometimes i wonder what life would be... if i hadn't chose you over me... you know what if i replayed lifes little game.. Would my life be different or would it be the same. Would the crowds have gone crazy at the announcement of my name. Would i have had buckets of money and endless fame? Would i have big house on a hill with a million dollar view... with so much stuff that i wouldnt know what to do. WOW I SIT AND I THINK THAT WOULD BE ALL MY DREAMS COME TRUE... But then i realize that all the material things mean nothing if i dont have you! So what Im saying is... I guess now i realize the real dream is you!
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
I never...
I always thought we would be together, but I never thought you would make me cry.
I always thought you would be honest, I never thought you would ever lie.
But when I found that you betrayed me, my love for you somehow died.
I never looked at you the same, because I never thought you would cause me this pain.
We talked this over going in, I thought it would be different I thought you were my friend.
I thought you would protect my heart with all your might, & keep my best interests in sight.
I never thought that we would be here, and that my heart would be full of tears.
Although things are different and they will never be the same, I will try my best to let things change.
100 poems
Monday, January 27, 2014
22 years later... i miss you
Monday, January 20, 2014
They just had on the news a high percent of woman over age 35 are struggling with eating disorders... (I am definitely not one of them), how ever this brought me to tell all of my fam and friends young and old. embrace you!!! We are not supposed to be in our 30s and 40s looking like we are seventeen. we weren't grown woman then, we were still growing. If you have in fact naturally maintained that girlish figure my hat is off to you, however, if you have gained a few extra curves along the way, as long as you are healthy, love you. life is too short to keep up with these airbrushed magazine models. remember they don't look like the cover, some of them are starving to maintain weights, receiving surgeries and everything else. God did not make a mistake when he made you, he made you to be the beauty that you are not to look like the next person. so instead of killing yourself to keep up with society. let me be the first to tell you YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL BECUASE YOU ARE YOU!!! BE YOU! MODELS AND CELEBERTIES ARE OVER RATED AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN THAT I EVER SEEN WERE IN MY NEIGHBORHOODS COMING UP... CLASSY LADIES WITH MANNERS AND MORALS. THAT IS WHAT WE NEED TO TEACH OURSELFS AND OUR KIDS. SO THIS YEAR... JUST EMBRACE BEING GROWN, CLASSY AND SASSY. LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND LOVE YOU!!! I love you! and I love me too! BE YOU! Love Yall!
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Just like family
Just a quick thought.... ever meet some one and just take to them real quick. You know you just met but it seems like you have been together for ever... they could be your sister/brother, or at very least your favorite cousin... Then you think to yourself how very out of character for you to become so close with someone so quickly. Then as time goes on you realize that God puts everyone in your life for a reason and every once in awhile when you're missing your own family, he will provide someone and sometimes a whole family that you, feel like you are your own. You are blessed to have them and they are blessed to have you. Then you realize that dna although important does not always determined family. Family is what you make it... and sometimes just every now and again you'll find someone or a set of someone's that feel even more comfortable than you natural family... even more comfortable then people you grew up with; so much in fact that it's hard to tell the difference. Remember to be thankful for the people that are in your life... especially those who are in fact Just Like Family!
Random but in my heart... thought id share.